August 15, 2024

The Ongoing LinkedIn Experiment

Longtime fans of TBOA (RIP) might recall that experimentation is a big part of my approach to pricing and business.


Because it’s fun, and it works!

Most recently, I have been experimenting with LinkedIn as a place to spread my crazy ideas about how to run a highly profitable expertise-based business without hiring.

I know folks like to take a peek behind the curtain so here’s what I’ve been up to recently...

My hypothesis for the experiment is this:

  1. If I post compelling short-form content on LinkedIn...
  2. And optimize the ever-living daylights out of my profile...
  3. I will be able to attract new people to the inner circle of my mailing list...
  4. Where I intend to slowly brainwash them day after day until they finally believe deep down that hourly billing is nuts ;-)

Like all hypotheses, this one might turn out to be valid, or it might turn out to be invalid.

It’s looking promising (e.g., impressions are up 4,625% engagements are up 8,477%) but it’s still too early to say for sure if these numbers will translate into a meaningful increase in mailing list subscribers.

I’m going to give it to the end of the year and then assess the effectiveness.

As part of this experiment, I’ve been reorganizing some of my email sequences and paid offerings into a smoother on-ramp to my contrarian ideas about how to price professional services.

For example, I have the following stepping stones in place:

As you can see, it’s kind of involved 🤯

In fact, it’s a much bigger experiment than the kind I usually do, but I want to give the LinkedIn thing my best shot so I can make a really well-informed decision about whether to continue there.

If you have any questions, please hit reply and ask!

Like I said, experimentation is fun, so I’m happy to talk shop.


