Hi! I’m Jonathan Stark
I help freelancers, consultants, and other independent professionals make more and work less without hiring.
Join 10k+ daily readers
Jonathan should have a warning label on his head. His advice will shake your world.
– David Trejo
Here’s the problem...
The better (and faster) you get, the LESS you make!
You feel like you’re on a hamster wheel.
- You’re working harder than ever but not getting ahead.
- The idea of taking a vacation is laughable.
- Even if you wanted to hire, you wouldn’t have time to do it.
- You are trapped under an invisible revenue ceiling, and don’t know how to break through it.
There must be a better way
Shouldn’t you make MORE as you get better, not less?
Imagine stepping off the hamster wheel and onto an escalator.
- Imagine working fewer hours for more money.
- Imagine being able to take a month off without worrying.
- Imagine not having to stress about hiring, managing, or firing anyone.
- Imagine smashing through the ceiling that’s been holding your income back.
Stop trading time for money
Start selling your smarts, not your hours.
I’ve got bad news... you’ve been lied to.
You’ve been led to believe that money comes from hours spent working for clients.
But that’s simply not true.
Money comes from creating value for clients.
Clients don’t want your time.
They want results.
In fact, the faster you can deliver the results they want, the more they’ll pay.
And best of all?
This means that you don’t have to hire anyone to grow your business.
Three ways I can help...
1. Jonathan’s Daily List
Every day, I send a short, useful tidbit of information, inspiration, or insight to help folks like you improve your expertise-based business. You’ll get a ton of value delivered in small bite-sized chunks.
Being on Jonathan’s daily emails is the next best thing to having him with you when you’re with the client. Answers just come to your lips, and suddenly you’re no longer a hands-on techie; you’re respected as a consultant.
– Anthony English
2. Hourly Billing Is Nuts
My flagship book, Hourly Billing Is Nuts, will give you the confidence you need to begin the transition away from a commodity position to premium pricing. If you keep an open mind, internalize the stories, and implement my advice, the benefits will be life-changing.
“Every freelancer who bills hourly should be FORCED to read this book!”
— Matt Inglot
3. Ditcherville Community
Inside my Ditcherville coaching community, you get instant access to 24/7 support, free workshops, an archive of 150+ hours of video Q&A, and a knowledge base of email sequences, business templates, website teardowns, and more.
I’ve been mainlining Jonathan’s content since joining Ditcherville last month. The ability to search topics in Slack is so useful. I’m continually blown away by the quality of the content!!
– Jon Heraty
Too many kind messages to list them all here... read more »

Hi! I’m Jonathan Stark, and I help subject-matter experts increase their income by selling their smarts instead of their hours.
I was a software developer, consultant, and trainer for the better part of fifteen years. I’ve given sold-out talks on three continents, I am the author of five books, and in my consulting days, I worked with Staples, Time, T-Mobile, Cisco, Intel, and many more household name brands.
In my first year as a solo consultant, I doubled my income by ditching hourly billing for value pricing. I have over a decade of real-world experience successfully applying value-based theories to my own consulting work and that of hundreds of business owners I have advised.
The unconscious acceptance of hourly billing as the only option for selling professional services is a collective hallucination that literally keeps me up at night. In fact, I consider it my mission in life to rid the world of hourly billing. Care to join me? I think you’ll be glad you did. 😊