May 15, 2024

Up 1096.4%

As an aging open-source web hippy, I have become increasingly distressed by the decline of open protocols like RSS and the rise of walled gardens like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.


I’m a pragmatist at heart, so earlier this year, I decided to take social media seriously after being almost completely off it for the better part of a decade.

Of all the platforms, LinkedIn seemed the best fit for getting my “hourly billing is nuts” message to the right people.

So, I spent some time researching — let’s be honest — how to “game” the LinkedIn algorithm.

About two months later, the results are in:

Gaming the algorithm works!

It’s too soon to say definitively how much increased social media engagement leads to more email subscribers and higher sales revenue, but early indications are positive.

Plus, it’s not that much work.

But how much work is it?

As it turns out, there are really only a handful of tactics I have used to finally get meaningful traction on LinkedIn.

Mostly, I’m just reimagining existing content in new ways, which is actually kinda fun.

I’m also using some off-the-shelf software to automate a few things, which is a big help. It allows me to focus on the content and automate the “gaming of the algo” part.

Stay tuned for more as the situation develops!

(And you can follow me on LinkedIn here)



P.S. If you believe there are people on LinkedIn who would make good clients for you, AND you have a fair amount of pre-existing content, you might be interested in a new program I’m piloting.

The idea is to work together 1:1 over the course of a few weeks to set up an automated inbound content marketing machine for your authority-based business.

Our interactions would include 24/7 private Slack access, collaboration on content in Google Docs, and live screen-sharing sessions to set up automation software.

Because this program is high-touch and collaborative, I have to limit it to a handful of ideal candidates (I’m thinking 6 is the max).

144 people have expressed interest since yesterday when I first announced it, so demand seems high.

Questions? Hit reply or email me at I’m here to help!
