May 8, 2024

More reader feedback re The Trick to The Why Conversation

Fellow list member Nick Poulsen replied to a recent message with a tip that helps him “stick to his guns” when conducting The Why Conversation with a prospect during a sales interview (shared with permission):

Hi Jonathan,

Allen has shared some profound personal thoughts, so thanks to him for that!

To add to the “sticking to your guns” methodology, for me the big support I have for the Why Conversation is “Learn your Lines”

Before any meeting I speed read it as a reminder of the good stuff and how to say it.

In response, clients seem to enjoy the “back and forth” dialogue that follows on as they accept the challenge to dig deeper and reach a consensus that is a Win Win scenario!

That’s my ten cents worth!

Kind Regards Nick Poulsen

Great idea! Thanks to Nick for sending this in.

If you haven’t grabbed a copy of Learn Your Lines yet, you can download the Kindle version for free on Amazon right now.

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(It won’t be free forever, so don’t wait!)



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