August 24, 2024
Objectives vs Deliverables
It’s common for folks new to value pricing to confuse “requested deliverables” with “business objectives”.
Let’s clear that up!
Here’s a list of deliverables that a client might request:
- A blueprint
- A style guide
- A white paper
- A software feature
- A portrait
Now, here’s a list of business objectives:
- Decreased cost of construction
- Improved brand reputation
- Increased number of job applicants
- Increased customer satisfaction
- Increased speaking fees
Notice that the deliverables (aka outputs) are things and the business objectives (aka results) are state changes.
Once you know the client’s desired business objective, then you have a basis for a value price.
If you only know the requested deliverables, you don’t.
P.S. Next Thursday, I’m presenting a live half-day workshop via Zoom, where I’ll spill the beans about how I 100x’d my LinkedIn numbers in just a couple of months.
Unfortunately, I have to limit attendance to 20 to guarantee personalized attention and allow for a lot of Q&A.
If you’d like to attend, you can apply here:
It’s not too late, but it will be soon. I hope to see you there!