August 24, 2024

Objectives vs Deliverables

It’s common for folks new to value pricing to confuse “requested deliverables” with “business objectives”.

Let’s clear that up!

Here’s a list of deliverables that a client might request:

Now, here’s a list of business objectives:

Notice that the deliverables (aka outputs) are things and the business objectives (aka results) are state changes.

Once you know the client’s desired business objective, then you have a basis for a value price.

If you only know the requested deliverables, you don’t.



P.S. Next Thursday, I’m presenting a live half-day workshop via Zoom, where I’ll spill the beans about how I 100x’d my LinkedIn numbers in just a couple of months.

Unfortunately, I have to limit attendance to 20 to guarantee personalized attention and allow for a lot of Q&A.

If you’d like to attend, you can apply here:

Click here to apply »

It’s not too late, but it will be soon. I hope to see you there!
