July 13, 2022

Success story from reader Aaron Gonzalez

Fellow list member Aaron Gonzalez wrote in with this success story about roadmapping before pricing a big project (shared with permission):

Hey Jonathan,

Just a quick note to say thanks again for your content.

A friend of mine hit me up a couple weeks ago to join him on a pretty big project. A former client of his moved to a new corporate employer and is now in charge of an entire department. They’re looking to rebrand.

I’ve never been on a project of this size and I definitely didn’t want to be seen as a set of hands but instead as a thought partner. Plus I didn’t know how to price the damn thing since we had a list of deliverables but no real context.

I thought about the podcast episode you did with Alex Hillman and how to fit that to our situation.

So we pitched a paid discovery/roadmap session for $10k. They said yes so quickly I’m sure I could’ve doubled it.

My partner and I are meeting today to hammer out details & send the invoice/contract.

Anyway, this is a huge win and it’s definitely due in large part to the value of your content.

Thank you!

I love it! Messages like this make my day :-)

I hope Aaron has inspired you to consider selling a roadmap in advance of pricing the next big project that lands on your desk.



P.S. If you’ve got a success story to share, please hit reply and let me know!
