August 23, 2024

Finding Scope Last

A subscriber sent in a question asking why I recommend NOT talking about scope in a sales meeting.

Classic question!

When I received it, my first thought was, “Hm... I MUST have answered this somewhere already...” but I couldn’t remember where.

It took me a while, but I finally found it. Phew!

Turns out it was an old solo episode of Ditching Hourly called Scope Last.

If you’re still scoping in sales meetings, you might what to check it out:


Questions? Just hit reply :-)



P.S. Next Thursday, I’m presenting a live half-day workshop via Zoom, where I’ll spill the beans about how I 100x’d my LinkedIn numbers in just a couple of months.

Unfortunately, I have to limit attendance to 20 to guarantee personalized attention and allow for a lot of Q&A.

If you’d like to attend, you can apply here:

Click here to apply »

It’s not too late but it will be soon. I hope to see you there!
