June 8, 2022

Business Health Self-Check

Just the other day, I received an email from a partner at a small firm who was interested in working with me.

We set up a quick call to see if private coaching might be a good fit.

Before the call, he replied to ask if there was anything he could do to prep for the conversation.

I replied with a list of the types of questions that typically come up on these sorts of calls.

His reaction was, “Wow, these questions are worth the price of admission alone!” so it occurred to me to share them with you here on the list.

NOTE: The questions are specifically for a firm with partners and employees, but even if you’re a soloist they might help you as a framework for figuring out where your blind spots are. Just substitute “your” for “your firm”, “you” for “your team”, and skip the partners/employees questions.

Here’s what to do:

Go down the list and type up answers to as many applicable questions as you can, as clearly and concisely as you can.

Any question that stumps you or produces a massive brain dump is probably an opportunity for improving your business.

Situation Appraisal





Pricing & Packaging





If you find this self-check useful, please hit reply and let me know how it helped. Thanks in advance!



P.S. This week, a spot opened up in my 4-month private coaching program.

If you have a successful business that has been stuck at the same level for a few years, it might be for you.

Spots usually fill up pretty quickly so don’t wait.


(If you’re running a firm, you can still apply but the pricing is a little different than described on that page.)
