March 23, 2022

Want to start selling advisory services?

You are an expert at what you do, BUT you believe that clients will only pay for your implementation.

If you want to get paid for your brains (i.e., your expertise) instead of your hands (i.e., your labor) and don’t know where to start, do this:

  1. Create a Stripe account
  2. Create a Calendly account
  3. Connect your Calendly account to your Stripe account
  4. Create a 45 minute paid event in Calendly called “Strategy Consult”
  5. Set the price for your Strategy Consult at double your current hourly rate
  6. Figure out who would pay you that much money to pick your brain for about an hour
  7. Make those people aware of your offer in a non-spammy way
  8. Iterate until people start buying

That’s it.


