March 11, 2022

Success story from reader Justin Martin

PRE-S: Want to start getting paid what you’re worth? The 9th session of The Pricing Seminar starts on Monday. If you’re ready to stop billing and start pricing, enroll now: Enroll in TPS »

Fellow list member Justin Martin wrote in to share a success story in response to my recent series on business benefits (shared with permission, bold mine):


I love this series!

I’m curious if you make any adjustments to the why conversation with a repeat client.

For example, do you still ask the question - “why would you hire someone expensive like me?”




Once I’ve already worked with a client I probably don’t need to ask the questions because I know them so well I’m confident of the answers.

That said, whenever an existing or past client would come to me for a new project, I would suggest cheaper alternatives just to make sure that we really are a good fit for this particular project.


Good news!

I sent my first proposal this week focusing on the benefits in the proposal. The proposal was accepted at the highest option. This project is 3x more than any project I’ve sold in the past three years in business!

Thank you for your sharing your philosophies on these topics. It has certainly helped me!


Congrats, Justin! I’m so glad to hear it :-)

Thanks to Justin for sharing this. I hope it inspires you to follow in his footsteps.

Related links

Have you got a question about business benefits? Please hit reply and ask away!



P.S. Want to start getting paid what you’re worth?

The 9th session of The Pricing Seminar starts on Monday.

If you’re ready to stop billing and start pricing, enroll now:

Enroll in TPS »

I hope to see you there!
