October 14, 2024

Perfect Knowledge

Alice is finally going to launch her design services website as soon as she gets her portfolio updated.

She’s been saying this for over a year.

Bob is finally going to launch that podcast he’s been talking about, as soon as he finds the right mic.

He’s been saying this for over a year.

Charlie is finally going to start connecting with executives at her dream client, as soon as she gets her email signature just right.

She’s been saying this for over a year.

Do you know someone like this?

Someone who is so busy researching and planning and preparing that they never actually DO anything?

I sure do.

And I don’t want it to happen to you.

When faced with a tactical decision, research a little bit if you want but for most things it comes down to this:

Just pick something and try it.

Here’s the thing...

You’ll never have perfect knowledge.

Anything worth doing is going to expose you to risk.

You can’t make an impact without taking chances.

You can’t make things better without doing something new.

Yes, venturing into the unknown feels like a risky choice.

But doing nothing is the riskiest choice of all.


