September 10, 2024

The 100-Day Sprint, 2024 edition

On this episode of TBOA, Rochelle and I provide your annual reminder that The 100-Day Sprint is about to begin:


“The 100-Day Sprint” is a term coined by friend-of-the-show Blair Enns. Here’s a summary from Blair’s website if you’re new to the concept:

The first Tuesday after Labour Day, in North America, effectively marks the end of summer holidays and the beginning of the most productive stretch of business throughout the year. I call this period The 100-Day Sprint as there are roughly 100 business days between now and when things peter out again for the holidays at year end.

On that day, summer holidays are over, everyone is rested and all the “decision makers” are able to be corralled once again. The end of the year is in sight and any gaps between the plans, budgets and intentions set at the beginning of the year and progress to date can no longer be avoided. The kids are back to school and “renewal” is in the air. Even the air is different, cooler.

All of this means there is impetus to act, impetus to spend and the ability of many of your clients to now do both at a time when it’s psychologically compelling to get things done. Stalling is no longer an option. Getting the attention of colleagues is no longer an excuse. The time to act is now.

Talking Points

Are you ready for your 100-Day Sprint?

Not all industries follow the same cycle that Blair describes, but most of the ones I’ve come across in the expertise-based business space seem to.

So, you’re probably going to be writing a fair number of proposals between now and the holidays.

If you feel like your profit margins, close rate, and price negotiation skills could use some improvement, check out Automatic Proposals.

Now’s the perfect time of year to FINALLY stop winging it ;-)


