August 19, 2024

LinkedIn Update: Cracking The Code

As you probably know, I started experimenting heavily with LinkedIn earlier this year.

After about six weeks, I started to see a giant uptick in my impressions and engagement numbers. Even my follower count finally started growing again after years of being stuck in one place.

Then in May, I piloted a limited 1:1 program with a handful of individual students to apply what I had learned to their businesses.

Now, after six months of personal experimentation and three months with my students, I have enough data to be confident about what’s working right now on LinkedIn.


The million-dollar question is:

Does success on LinkedIn translate into anything worthwhile for your business?

The time required to do LinkedIn right isn’t extravagant, but still... the investment needs to be justified to continue doing it.

For me to consider LinkedIn a success, it has to significantly increase the rate at which people sign up for my mailing list.

(Why mailing list subscribers? Because for an expertise-based business, a non-trivial percentage of your subscribers will turn into clients and/or customers.)

Up until last week, my subscriber numbers were slowly increasing, but it was nothing dramatic.

Then this past Friday, I made a change to my LinkedIn profile that instantly 10x’d my daily subscriber numbers.

Woohoo! It feels like I finally cracked the code :-)

It’s only been a few days since then, but the spike was so large that even if it rolls back by half, I’ll still be way ahead of the game.

With this mystery solved, I’m ready to launch a live workshop to teach folks what’s working on LinkedIn and how to convert that success into email subscribers (aka leads).

The workshop will be a live half-day Zoom call where I share my process, tools, tips, and tricks and show you how to set it up for yourself.

Unfortunately, I have to limit it to 20 seats to guarantee personalized attention and allow for a lot of Q&A.

There seems to be a lot of interest in this LinkedIn stuff here on the list, so I’m going to run an application process and pick the best mix of participants for the 20 spots.

NOTE: This workshop is specifically for B2B expertise-based service business owners — e.g., freelancers, consultants, coaches, and other professionals. It is NOT for folks selling an app, a SaaS, or physical products.

If you’d like to be notified when the application process opens later this week, please click this link:

Click here to be notified when applications open »

Questions? Hit reply. I’m here to help!


