January 8, 2022

Money is never enough

When people apply to my private coaching program, the second to last question on the application form is:

“What would you like to achieve from our engagement?”

It’s extremely common for the answers to that question to center on some sort of financial success metric.

Stuff like:

Having specific numbers like these is a great starting point but it masks the deeper reality.

Invariably, there are lots of unspoken - yet non-negotiable - constraints that come along with the financial success metric.

People often lead with the money goals, but in reality it’s almost never the most important thing.

For example, let’s say a React developer came to me and said:

“I want to go from doing $90k per year to $300k.”

And I said:

“No problem! Borrow $100k from somebody and buy a Dickie’s Barbecue Pit You’ll hit $300k in the first year, even with the loan repayment.”

LOL! No…

Non-starter, right?

Turns out… it’s not just the money that matters.

In fact, money might not even be in the top three for most people I’ve worked with.

People care a lot about non-monetary things like:

Here’s the thing…

When you list out your objectives for this year, be sure to include the non-monetary stuff that matters to you.

Once you have that list, ask yourself:

“If I did have all this, how much money would I really have to make to be happy as a clam?”


