September 10, 2021

3 Ways to Drum Up Business FAST

The Pricing Seminar starts on Monday! Folks from around the world who want to start getting paid what they’re worth are already connecting in the private community. This is the last session of TPS for 2021... I hope you’ll join us. ENROLL NOW »

In yesterday’s group coaching live session, one of the members asked a very timely question:

How should a sales-averse solopreneur approach end-of-year business development?

This question is timely because this week is the beginning of what Blair Enns calls The 100 Day Sprint.


The period from right after Labor Day to right before Xmas et al. is one of the busiest times of year for landing new projects.

If you’re not satisfied with your deal flow right now, here are three things you can do to scare up work in this fertile time:

  1. Reach out to past clients and let them know you have availability
  2. Ask your friends and family if they know anyone in your target market
  3. Send short, relevant, (i.e., non-spammy) outreach messages to ideal buyers you haven’t met yet

This info is so important right now that I recorded a live stream on my YouTube channel to go into more detail. You can watch it here:


In the video I give examples of what to say in all three types of outreach.



P.S. The Pricing Seminar starts on Monday!

Folks from around the world who want to start getting paid what they’re worth are already connecting in the private community.

I hope you’ll join us.


NOTE: This is the last session of TPS for 2021.
