June 1, 2021

Success story from reader Michael Coutts’ nephew

Fellow list member Michael Coutts wrote in to share a success story... from his nephew! (shared with permission):

By the way, my nephew has employed your tips from the firewood selling exercise and has realised the value of changing his generic “pine cones for sale $5 bag ” sign to “get your fire roaring with tinder dry pine cones $10 bag”

OMG I love this so much I want to marry it!

First of all, kudos to Michael’s nephew for taking a simple action that doubled his prices.

Second of all, this new messaging is not snake oil marketing BS!

Michael’s nephew has merely changed his messaging from self-centered to buyer-centered.

He has done his buyers a favor by connecting the dots between pine cones (which they probably don’t care about) and a roaring camp fire (which they probably DO care about).

I, for one, am an avid pyromaniac and have never thought of pine cones as a good fire starter until now :-)



