January 28, 2021

“How much time should I spend on prospecting vs client work?” and more...

In today’s group coaching session, we had a bunch of good questions that touched on topics like:

Good stuff!

Here are some of the questions I answered today:

I use technical tutorial youtube videos as the top of my marketing funnel. With regards to CTA’s in the description, I usually see a whole bunch of links and information, from actual video descriptions, links to more videos, and links to get on email lists. Is there any best practice? Does this shotgun approach work for youtube descriptions? (timestamp: 1m 13s)

What is a good rule of thumb for how much time to spend each week on prospecting vs. client work? Now that I’m so focused on building the business, I sometimes find it hard to find the time to actually do the work! I’d like to set some sort of schedule that I can plan around and stick to. (timestamp: 7m 8s)

How important do you think innovation is when trying to make a dent in a niche or to establish yourself as an Authority? As I pivot to a new niche, I always find myself trying to create something unique, or at least a bit better. I’m not sure if this is my most valuable skill or a complete distraction! Should I focus on better tactics and execution or building a better mousetrap? (timestamp: 18m 19s)

Listening to prior episodes, I think I heard you say that you wouldn’t have the why conversation for a job under $50k. Is that right? If so, how do you value price smaller jobs ? (timestamp: 29m 30s)

When should you offer credit card options for payment? Did you offer them when you did retainers? Obviously, credit card comes with extra charges for the provider, but ease of payment for the client. (timestamp: 40m 47s)

Follow up... Two weeks after your sales page teardown, I now have a live info product! Can you comment on my launch plan? (1) ~10 free copies to people I want testimonials + feedback from (2) Personal emails to ~10 people in my network "Do you know anyone who would want to buy?" (3) Email sequence to my list (4) 5 LinkedIn posts (5) A guest podcast appearance (timestamp: 45m 28s)

How to move forward with someone (e-bike leasing founder specifically) who has asked if they could pay me for some hours of no-code advice/help and make it a non-hourly thing? (timestamp: 57m 2s)

(If you’re curious, you can review the entire list of past questions here)

Do you have questions like these that you’d like to get answered?

Registration for Group Coaching with Jonathan is open now.

When you join your colleagues in my group coaching program, you’ll get instant access to today’s recording, an archive of more than 150 past video sessions, and invitations to all future sessions for as long as you’re a member.

All recordings have timestamped links for each question to the spot in the video where I answer it, so you can jump right to the answers you care about without sitting through 150+ hours of video.

BONUS: Group Coaching also includes a dedicated Slack channel to facilitate discussion between sessions.

Become a member today for $99/mo or save 50% with a annual membership.


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P.S. Would you like to see a FREE sample of what group coaching is like? Here’s a past session: FREE replay of Group Coaching session
