December 3, 2020

“Should I position my service as a necessity or a luxury?” and more...

In today’s group coaching session, we had a bunch of good questions that touched on topics like:

Good stuff!

(If you’re curious, you can review the entire list of today’s and all past questions here)

Do you have questions like these that you’d like to get answered?

Registration for Group Coaching with Jonathan is open now for a limited time.

When you join your colleagues in my group coaching program, you’ll get instant access to today’s recording, an archive of more than 100 past video sessions, and invitations to all future sessions for as long as you’re a member.

All recordings have timestamped links for each question to the spot in the video where I answer it, so you can jump right to the answers you care about without sitting through 100+ hours of video.

BONUS: Group Coaching also includes a dedicated Slack channel to facilitate discussion between sessions.

Sign up now using coupon code LIST50 to get VIP pricing forever at $99/mo instead of the $149/mo regular price:


(Don’t worry, there’s no long term obligation. You can cancel your subscription at any time and your card WILL NOT be charged again.)



P.S. Would you like to see a FREE sample of what group coaching is like? Here’s a past session: FREE replay of Group Coaching session
