September 14, 2020

Leading vs Exploring

This week on TBOA...

Randomly, Rochelle and I both happened to listen to the same Derek Sivers interview in which he mentioned the difference between leading vs exploring and we just couldn’t help exploring the idea ourselves.

!!! LISTEN NOW !!!

Talking Points

Evaluating the continuum from leading (like say thought leadership) to exploring in your space.

How to know when to explore vs. when to lead.

When “busy” feels productive, but is instead keeping you in exactly the same position—neither exploring nor leading.

Deciding where on the exploring vs. leading continuum you want to be (for now).

Making choices to give you quick wins while still playing the long game.

Quotable Quotes

“Exploring is about welcoming synchronicity, coincidence, luck and connection.”—JS

“You might have phases where you explore…maybe your business model isn’t working so you decide to pivot and you open yourself up to ‘what other things could I do?’” —RM

“You don’t have to have the map—you can make the map as you’re going. ”—JS

“We naturally gravitate to different points on the spectrum. Even if right now you’re in an explore phase, that doesn’t mean that’s where you’re going to stay.” —RM

We want you to be a part of our 150th episode!

We’re planning a special episode for #150 and you can have a chance to participate! Just record your question and send it to me at and if it’s chosen, we will play your question and answer it on the show.


