June 22, 2018

Hose Job Feedback

Big thanks to everyone who sent in feedback on yesterday’s message about the estimates Travis the plumber gave me to fix my hose spigot.

(If you haven’t read it yet, search your inbox for subject line “Hose Job” or you can read it online here)

Everyone who replied to that message agreed that my rewrite of Travis’ estimate was an improvement, but there was a subset of people who felt that mine was kind of... well, weird.

Here’s one anonymous reply:

Oh man, Travis’s proposal cracked me up. Your rewrite does sound slightly artificial to me. It’s obviously much better than Travis’s, but it doesn’t sound like any proposal I’ve ever read.

And another:

I really liked the analogy in the email, however I am a little bit perplexed. To me the described benefits sound too abstract and a little bit trivial. Do they really have such a great value?

These (and other similar) replies raise an excellent point that I failed to emphasize strongly enough in the original message.

So here it is in flashing lights:

The outcomes and benefits that I described in my rewrite of Travis’ estimate are exactly what I - ME, PERSONALLY - wish Travis had written.

So it is no surprise that some readers were scratching their heads at my dream rewrite - it’s because we’re different.

I’m a 49 year old male who is all thumbs when it comes to home repairs. For more than a decade, I have owned a house that is approaching its 100th birthday. There’s always something that needs fixing but the idea of doing it myself is a source of severe agitation and discomfort. Time is more valuable to me than money, so I would much rather write a big check to someone I trust to fix my house than to engage in what would surely be a time-wasting (and ego-crushing) effort to fix anything physical myself. Bottom line? I’m the anti-DIY guy when it comes to home repairs and maintenance.

My version of the Travis proposal probably won’t resonate with someone who doesn’t share these characteristics. But someone who DOES share a critical mass of these characteristics would likely never stop paying Travis to fix things around the house.

So you may be asking yourself:

But... how would Travis discover that Jonathan would rather pay almost anything to avoid picking up a wrench?

It’s not magic. Travis doesn’t have to read my mind. He just needs to have The Why Conversation with me.

You can do the same with your clients.



P.S. Do you need practice having The Why Conversation with prospective clients? Role playing sales meetings is something we do in my private coaching program. There are still two seats available. Apply now to secure your place: https://jonathanstark.com/coaching
