January 8, 2018

The Business of Authority

There’s a new podcast in town, and it’s called The Business of Authority

TBOA is a weekly show for independent professionals who want to go from six-figures to seven while increasing their impact on the world.

If you want to make a difference but aren’t sure how to make a living doing it, please join me and my amazing co-host Rochelle Moulton each week as we discuss topics like:

The episode we’re probably most excited about is our interview with Blair Enns about the strategy behind the launch of his new book Pricing Creativity, in which Blair talks about how the book came about, why he decided to do it, and his plan for reaching $1M in book sales. (NOTE: There’s a full transcript with timestamps available on the episode page if you want to scan it).

Please let us know what you think. And of course, we hope you find the show valuable enough to share with your friends.



