December 28, 2017

“What if a client finds out you charged them more than someone else?” and more...

As the year draws to a close, I find it fun to look back at what got done (and what didn’t!) in the previous twelve months.

In the “didn’t get done” category, I wanted to launch my next book by the end of 2017, but that’s looking less and less likely. Fingers crossed for Jan 2018, but we’ll see.

In the “did get done” category, I’m particularly proud of how my group coaching program is going. I launched in September 2017, have answered 50+ questions across nine hours of video, and look forward to continuing in 2018. Students say they find the sessions helpful and I enjoy doing it.

Today’s session was no exception. Here’s a 5 minute excerpt where I describe how to get your head around a fundamental concept of value pricing:

[VIDEO] How to justify setting different prices for the “same work”

Here are all six questions that we tackled today...

How do you deal with value pricing customers in a relatively close knit industry when you know there is differential value for different customers? What if the customers talk to one another? Do you have thoughts on this? (timestamp: 2m 2s)

What way do your credit union customers go in your funnel for getting on your most expensive retainer? Do you know them personally before? Have you worked with them before? (timestamp: 6m 58s)

You recently talked with Kevin in Slack about your writing process, and I appreciated the discussion. In the early days, did you ever struggle with what Philip Morgan calls The Fear? I imagine your “sun” could have been any of dozens of topics - how did you commit to one central area of expertise, and resist the temptation to change direction before you had an audience? (timestamp: 15m 13s)

I currently work with a small team of devs to deliver projects. Projects typically last 2-9 months. I’m acting as the salesperson, project manager and product manager for all projects. I’m getting to the point where I can’t handle the client facing stuff all on my own. How do you think about team structure as you grow the business to handle more projects at once? How would you structure the team? (timestamp: 30m 59s)

When someone goes silent for months like that, do you ping them? or do you just sit and wait? Do they feel like they’ve been ripped off after they remember they have you? (timestamp: 39m 7s)

Do you have suggestions for how to determine the value of (specifically) design work to clients so as not to be taking mildly educated guesses, or is that just the reality of this approach to pricing? (timestamp: 47m 13s)

Would you like to know the answers to these questions? Do you have questions like these that you’d like to get answered?

When you join your colleagues in my group coaching program, you’ll get instant access to today’s recording, all previous recordings, and all future sessions for as long as you’re a member.

(Note that all recordings have timestamped links from each question to the spot in the video where I answer it, so you can jump right to the answers you care about without sitting through hours of videos.)

BONUS: Group Coaching also includes a dedicated Slack channel to facilitate discussion between sessions.


(Don’t worry, there’s no long term obligation. You can cancel your subscription at any time and your card WILL NOT be charged again.)


