November 25, 2016

“I absolutely killed it!”

List member Tyler Buchea and I had a short conversation over email this week that I think you’ll find interesting. Here’s our thread (shared with permission):

Hi Jonathan,

I have a potential client I’m meeting with today. He has already defined an hourly rate and a number of hours he thinks the project will take. I’m going to get as much data about the value of the project as I can and then after the meeting I’m going to write up and send him a version of your proposal template.

Anything I should be add, say up front, or be aware of considering he has already defined the payment structure in his mind and I’m going to attempt to make him reconsider that structures based on a value pricing evaluation.

This will be my first actual attempt at a value pricing proposal.

Regards, Tyler

Hi Tyler,

Off the top of my head:

Don’t mention value to him at all. Don’t talk about how you’re going to calculate a price.

Try to talk him out of hiring you. Make him convince you that hiring you is the best way to reach his goals. Ask him why this, why now, and why me until you’re convinced that you can deliver positive ROI.

Here’s a quick podcast episode on it: The Why Conversation



Hi Jonathan,

I listened to the episode you suggested a few times and deployed the three “why” questions during the meeting.

I absolutely killed it! I’ve had pitch meetings like this before and oftentimes it feels like I am being interviewed. But using your structure I was in control of the conversation. They spent the whole time proving to me (and themselves) why the project was a good idea and why they needed to hire me.

Next step is to use the in depth information I got from them and your template to write an awesome proposal.

Thanks a bunch Jonathan and have a great Thanksgiving, Tyler

Questions? Comments?

That’s it for today but please feel free to reply with questions of comments. I read every message!


