October 12, 2024

How to Follow Up

Ever wonder how to follow up with sales prospects without seeming desperate?

It’s a simple two-step process:

  1. Make a promise to follow up on a specific date.
  2. Keep your promise by following up on that date.

That’s it.

For example:

Let’s say you sent the magic email to a prospect who went dark, and they immediately replied with something like:

“Sorry, I didn’t respond! We can’t work together currently but maybe in the future.”

Then, I’d MAKE A PROMISE with something like:

“Thanks for the quick response. I’ll check back about $thing on $specificDate.”

Then, on $specificDate, you can KEEP YOUR PROMISE with something like:

“Checking back in, as promised. Totally fine if not, but... Would you like to jump on a quick call to discuss $thing? If so, just shoot back a yes/thumbs up, and we can book a time. If not, no worries... I’ll ping you again on $specificDate.”

Wash rinse repeat.


