October 4, 2024

Success story from reader Joe Peel

Fellow subscriber and Ditchervile lifetime member Joe Peel wrote in to share his experience of what it’s like when the “ditching hourly” mindset starts to click into place (shared with permission):

Hey Jonathan,

I think I finally truly get it (it’s taken a while) - I’ve just sold a fixed price software build (smallish) and did buy a £200 UI library. It saved about 50% of the development time. Ooo and the joy of coding without time tracking or clock watching... damn it’s good. And the pace I’ve been coding is unreal.

Just wanted to feed that back as I’ve been following your stuff for ages but feel like I’ve got it now (in real life not just the theory) and do agree fully that..... hourly billing is indeed nuts!



Success stories like this always make my day :-)

Thanks to Joe for sharing, and I hope it inspires others to take the leap and finally stop trading time for money.


