August 21, 2024

Butterfly Repellent

Do you ever get butterflies in your stomach before a big sales meeting?

You know, the kind of meeting that could result in a breakthrough sale for your business?

Like, somehow you got a meeting with a decision maker at your dream client and you start to feel the pangs of impostor syndrome?

You should be panicking, right?


The reality is that you shouldn’t even have butterflies before a meeting like this.

Why not?

Because you don’t have to say much of anything.

Your main job is to ask questions and get answers.

You need to find out:

(Note the glaring lack of questions about features or scope)

Naturally, they might have some questions for you.

Here are some of the most likely, with my suggested answers:

The bottom line is that you’re NOT going there to sell yourself to them.

You’re going there to find out if you’re a good fit.

If you are, then great!

If not, then no amount of fast talking would result in a mutually beneficial relationship.

Hence, no butterflies.



P.S. Are you frustrated by low engagement on LinkedIn?

Next week, I’m presenting a live half-day workshop via Zoom, where I’ll spill the beans about how I 100x’d my LinkedIn numbers in just a couple of months.

Unfortunately, I have to limit attendance to 20 people to guarantee personalized attention and allow for a lot of Q&A.

So if you’d like to be notified when the application process opens, please click the following link to join the 238 people who have already expressed interest:

Click here to be notified when applications open »

FYI - I’m planning to send out the application form later today (i.e., August 22), and the workshop will be next Thursday, August 29.
