August 17, 2024

A fixed price? That’s different!

Being “just one of the crowd” (i.e., a commodity) makes it hard to charge higher fees than your competitors.


Because if all the options look the same to the buyer, they’ll generally pick the cheapest (or close to it).

To avoid this downward pressure on your prices, you need to stand out from the crowd in a way that is meaningfully different to your ideal buyers.

Assuming that your competitors bill for their work on an hourly basis, one effective way to differentiate yourself is to present fixed prices in your proposals.

Then, if a prospective client asks:

“Why are you twice as much as the next highest quote?”

You can reply:

“Was theirs an estimate or a fixed price?”

And they’ll probably say:

“An estimate.”

So you can say:

“My proposal is a fixed-price quote. You won’t pay a dime more than your selected option. If you want to work with a firm that isn’t willing to stand behind their prices, that’s up to you.”

You might be surprised how many buyers have been burned by hourly estimates in the past and would gladly pay a premium to prevent painful surprises like that in the future.



P.S. Not sure how to write a fixed-price project proposal quickly, effectively, and profitably? Automatic Proposals might be for you.

Automatic Proposals is a 5-lesson self-paced online course that teaches you how to write better proposals in half the time it takes you now.

Proposals that will get you higher profit margins, better close rates, and fewer price negotiations.

The live workshop is $245, but I recently made the video lessons and reference material available as a self-paced course for only $47.

Get instant access to Automatic Proposals for $47

Don’t waste another minute staring at a blinking cursor in a blank proposal document.
