June 21, 2024

Reader question re: My LinkedIn Tactics 2024

Fellow list member Russell Wadlin replied to a recent message to ask (shared with permission):

Hey Jonathan, can you elaborate on how much time you spend on the platform per day?

I’ve done pretty much all of these, except the paid for pro and written CTA parts. I have seen growth, but very very slow and small. I’ve noticed a possible link between time spent on LI and impressions it gives you.

For example, for a few months I didn’t have any work so I spent a lot of time on LI. That’s when most of the growth happened. However, I’ve spent almost zero time there this week and seem to have been put in the impressions dungeon as a result.

Also curious, how often are you mentioning others, sharing, or being shared? I’ve gotten my biggest bumps (still very very small) when I mention people or others mention me.

PS. a little interesting thing (to me at least). I started posting on there to try and build an audience for leads basically. But 100% of new follows and connections are peers. Sooo, yeah, it’s like I’m doing something right but it’s just tuned to the wrong frequency.

I’ll tackle each individually:

Q: How much time you spend on the platform per day?

I don’t track it and some days it’s more than others depending on what else I have going on. I’d say I average about 30 minutes per day. This includes posting, interacting in the comments, engaging with other creators, and answering DMs.

Q: Does spending time on LinkedIn grow your numbers?

My guess is that it depends on how you spend your time. I prioritize responding to comments on my posts first, and writing thoughtful comments on other peoples posts second. I also spend a little time responding to DMs but that’s not very time consuming.

Q: How often are you mentioning others, sharing, or being shared?

  1. I almost never mention others in my posts but I do mention them in comments.
  2. When I view someone else’s feed and they have a lot of reposts (aka “shares”), I find it really confusing. So I typically don’t repost other peoples posts that much because I don’t want to confuse people. My feeling is that if someone is looking at my feed, they want to read my writing. If they want to see what posts I liked from other people, they can view that here.
  3. I don’t know how often my posts get reshared because LI doesn’t make it easy to see those numbers. Based on my notifications, I would estimate that shares are the smallest component of my engagement numbers. For example, here are the numbers for this post:
    • Impressions: 40,492
    • Reactions: 178
    • Comments: 31
    • Reposts: 2

Q: Why am I attracting peers instead of prospective clients?

I don’t know if this is the case in RW’s situation but...

This is the kind of thing that tends to happen when you write about your craft instead of how you have improved a client’s condition with your craft.

Clients want to hear about people like them who have overcome the kinds of challenges that they’re currently facing.

You can mention that your craft played a role, but they don’t usually care about that very much.

Moral of the story?

Connect the dots between what you do and their lives being better.

That’s it for today! Hope this helps :-)


