July 10, 2023

Riding the AI Wave

This week on TBOA, Rochelle and I talk about experimenting more with AI to see if there are any useful applications for you in your business.


Taking Points

The power and potential of AI for authority businesses, even in use cases where pundits insist it will decimate business models.

Some of the new tools (that you can use right now) that innovators are developing for experts, authorities and soloists.

Why using AI for first drafts may be the immediate best use of AI for experts and authorities.

New uses of AI in the authority space: automated transcription, voice replication and first-draft content generation from tweets and hashtags to turning podcasts into book drafts.

The potential of AI to leverage your soloist business, including taking tasks you used to pay for or do yourself off your plate entirely.

Quotable Quotes

“It’s like this wave you can see on the horizon. Are you going to paddle out and ride it or just stay on the beach, nice and comfy?”—JS

“I don’t have to be a tech bro to figure this out…this is achingly simple.”—RM

“The power of AI for someone who is trying to lead a revolution or spread a big idea or lead a mission—especially a soloist—it’s jaw-dropping.”—JS

“It’s dangerous to be resistant to new ideas. Doesn’t mean you’re going to embrace them ever, but just being flat out resistant usually is not a great long-term strategy for your business.”—RM

“It’s kind of like an intern who understands my stuff and can do a good first pass.”—JS

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