December 29, 2022

“How should I price my first retainer?” and more…

In today’s Ditcherville LIVE session, we had a bunch of good questions like:

(You can review the full list of questions here)

Are you paralyzed by questions like these?

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There’s also a private audio podcast feed of past Ditcherville LIVE sessions so you can binge-listen to the back catalog while walking the dog, washing the dishes, or whatever else you do while listening to podcasts :)

Ready to get started?

Don’t waste another year moving one inch in every direction. Join my group coaching community and get the answers you need to move forward.


(Don’t worry, there’s no long term obligation. You can cancel your subscription at any time and your card WILL NOT be charged again.)



P.S. Would you like to see a FREE sample of what group coaching is like? Here’s a past session: FREE replay of a public Group Coaching Live Session
