September 13, 2021

Are You Feeling Lucky?

This week on TBOA, Rochelle and I make the case for increasing your “luck surface area”.


Talking Points

How to move beyond magical thinking and get very specific about your dream clients and buyers.

Why crystal clear positioning makes everything—including attracting your ideal clients—flow more easily.

Improving your odds of successful matchmaking—allowing influential others to hook you up with “your people”.

The relationship between taking calculated risks and achieving oversized outcomes (think drumming with the Foo Fighters).

Matching your dream up to your business and revenue model—and why that’s so critical.

Quotable Quotes

“If you could just wave a magic wand and be working with your top 20 dream clients, what names would be on that list?”—JS

“In most situations, success is hard work plus opportunity or as someone famously said, ‘The harder I work, the luckier I get.’”—RM

“You can increase your luck surface area, meaning you can do things, you can do the work, put in the effort to make it much more likely that you’re going to attract the right kind of opportunities.”—JS

“We want to be a thoughtful matchmaker—it’s what we hope to receive from the people matchmaking us.”—RM

“Books will have this tendency to give you a de facto positioning.”—JS

“When we first start businesses, we’re not always that clear about where we’re going—it’s like binoculars that you keep focusing.”—RM

“There’s this outbound thing where you can take control of fate and say, okay, that’s my dream. Tesla marketing. That’s all I care about. And you put all of your resources into that for a period of time.”—JS

“We want to see you succeed when you are the underdog…I want to see you strap on the cape and fly off into the air.”—RM

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