March 10, 2021

Success story from reader Kat Wallace Knowles

Fellow list member Kat Wallace Knowles wrote in with a value pricing success story.

Here’s our thread (shared with permission):


I’m so glad that I discovered your interview on the Futur. I had been agonizing over a proposal I started last week. I felt like I was undercutting and undervaluing my pricing because they’re friends. Your guidance and pricing calculator were exactly what I needed. I just sent my proposal out for review so we’ll see what happens. I can see that already one partner viewed it (ugh, the anticipation).

Thanks for providing these valuable resources.

All the best, Kat


Please let me know what happens!


Hi Jonathan,

After I initially suggested an hourly rate for a specific project, I thought about all the work, its value, and how the hourly rate wouldn’t be commensurate. Using your template, I structured my proposal and explained why I was moving away from the hourly rate. They selected the third option which offered more of my implementation and value for their project and desired outcomes. My services agreement and invoice are with them now for completion.

As someone just getting started, I’m grateful to start out with value-based pricing and will share this with my husband so he quits with the hourly work too!

Many thanks, Kat


Glad to hear it! Congrats!

Thanks to Kat for sharing this story!

I hope this will inspire others to consider giving value pricing a try on their next project.


