March 3, 2021

Free webinar tomorrow: How To Write Better Proposals

Tomorrow (Thursday March 4th) at 1:00pm ET, I’m presenting a free webinar that will teach you how to write better proposals.

The content for the talk is drawn from the first week of The Pricing Seminar, which launches this coming Monday, March 8th.

After my presentation, I’ll be taking your questions about writing better proposals, what other topics are covered in TPS, and anything else you’re curious about :-)

Here’s the webinar description from the Crowdcast page:

Do you spend too many hours writing proposals, only to have them fall through after endless negotiations?

You’re not alone – and you can do something about it.

In this talk, Jonathan will explain step-by-step how to significantly increase your odds of having your proposals accepted without question - and without lowering your prices.

You’ll learn:

Sound useful? If so, REGISTER NOW to reserve your space.

I hope to see you there!


