February 20, 2019

“How to sell the value of strategic engagements” and more...

Sent by Jonathan Stark on February 22nd, 2019

In today’s group coaching session, we had a bunch of good questions that touched on topics like:

Good stuff!

Here are some of the questions I answered today:

I’m trying to get myself onto stages and in front of people to help build my reputation/authority but haven’t done much in the way of speeches since school. Do you have any resources you would recommend for helping with both talk creation and presentation? (timestamp: 1m 18s)

I’ve made the decision to stop taking on new implementation projects so I can focus on building out a niche and my own products. Some of the clients will easily transition to working with my friend, but he only takes on high-value projects. As for the rest, I want to see them succeed and I don’t want to burn any bridges, but I just can’t continue to do hands-on dev work for them. Any recommendations on how to gracefully end the dev relationship with the remaining clients? (timestamp: 21m 13s)

Ideally I’d be prospecting to those making $1m+/year BUT feel like I’m maybe not “good enough” or experienced enough to be an attractive option. Any suggestions? (timestamp: 32m 29s)

I have a potential client who I proposed a ’Preliminary Strategy“ session online prior to the Brand Strategy because she’s creating a new lifestyle category and has tons of ideas. I wanted to narrow down her ideas on a phone call or webinar to pinpoint her desired state, so going into the strategy session, we would have a clear direction. I’ll also be collaborating with a financial strategist during this session (timestamp: 51m 32s)

(If you’re curious, you can review the entire list of past questions here)

Do you have questions like these that you’d like to get answered?

When you join your colleagues in my group coaching program, you’ll get instant access to today’s recording, all previous recordings, and all future sessions for as long as you’re a member.

(Note that all recordings have timestamped links from each question to the spot in the video where I answer it, so you can jump right to the answers you care about without sitting through 30+ hours of video.)

BONUS: Group Coaching also includes a dedicated Slack channel to facilitate discussion between sessions.

Sign up now using coupon code SPRING50 to get grandfathered in forever at $99/mo instead of the $149/mo regular price:


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