October 14, 2018

Cutting It Close

Have you ever noticed when you’re cutting it close for an important appointment that you have to make a million annoying little tactical decisions that you wouldn’t even have to think about if you had plenty of time?

“That lane looks quicker... should I try to get over or stay in this lane?” “Should I take the highway or the back roads?” “Should I gun it through that yellow light or jam on the brakes?” “Should I bang a left or will I get t-boned by an oncoming car?” “Should I call ahead and warn them that I might be late?” “Can I find the phone number while I’m driving or should I pull over?” “I’m running out of gas... should I stop now or try to make it?”

You don’t have to think about any of these things when you have plenty of time to get where you’re going.

So not only are you stressed out by the possibility of being late for an important appointment, but on top of that, you have to make loads of annoying tactical decisions simply because you’re low on time.

Guess what? It’s the same with money.

When you’re running a business that has razor thin profit margins, not only are you constantly stressed out about not being able to meet your financial obligations, but on top of that, you have to make loads of annoying tactical decisions simply because you’re low on money.

“Should I call the client to confirm they sent the check?” “Should I swing by their office unannounced and maybe pick it up in person?” “Should I offer a big discount to hopefully get some quick cash?” “Should I pay my rent now or wait until the last possible second? What if I forget? Will there be a late fee? Or worse?” “Should I warn my employees that payroll might be late or should I keep my fingers crossed and hope that client deposit clears in time?”

Annoying tactical decisions like these simply evaporate when you have healthy profits. And you have a lot less stress because you’re not worried about meeting your financial obligations in the first place.

Less stress AND fewer annoying decisions? Sounds good, don’t it?


