February 14, 2018

Resources for budding authors

Writing a book is the surest path I know to becoming a recognized authority in your area of expertise. And once you’re a recognized authority, you’ll attract more leads, land bigger clients, and be able to justify higher fees.

I speak from experience. I’ve authored or co-authored seven books. Four were with traditional publishers and three were self-published. Three of them were successful enough to be translated into other languages.

I have not tracked the specific numbers, but a quick back-of-the-napkin calculation reveals that I’ve brought in over $100k in book sales, and over $1M from consulting work stemming from the books.

So... I can tell you from experience that writing a book can be a boon for your business. But writing a book is tough. It’s not something to be undertaken lightly. Today, I’d like to share a few resources that I found extremely helpful:

On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction—This book will make you a better writer. It’s amazing.

Do the Work: Overcome Resistance and Get Out of Your Own Way—This book will help you keep moving forward when you hit the wall (and you WILL hit the wall). The audiobook is read by the author (bonus!) and only 90 minutes long (double bonus!).

7 Easy Steps to Write Your Book: How to Get Your Book Out of Your Head and a Manuscript in Your Hands!—This book will help you if you’re struggling to organize your book.

How to Write a Book—This blog post does a good job walking you through the earliest stages of the writing process, both strategically and tactically.

Happy writing!


