October 8, 2016

Three categories of Why

Sometimes people tell me that they understand the “Why Conversation” in theory, but when it comes time to have one in a sales call with a prospect, they don’t know what to actually ask. They either go blank, revert to status quo (asking about requirements), or stop asking Why too soon.

There are three categories of Why. You should explore each with your prospects:

Here are some sample lines for each category:

Why this?

Why now?

Why me?

Start with one category and keep going until you are satisfied or don’t know what else to ask, and then switch to another category. It’ll increase the value and your chance of closing the deal if you can get solid answers in all three categories.

However, you may find that your prospect will be so impressed with your concern for their well-being that they’ll practically beg for a quote before you can make it through all three categories.



P.S For more info about how to have a Why Conversation, check out my book -> hourlybillingisnuts.com
