Building the Perfect Sales Page
Following is a step-by-step outline that you can follow to write a killer sales page for your product or service. Start at the top and work your way down. Do not skip any sections and do not mess with the order. Enjoy!
Credit where credit is due: this page is a mash-up of approaches from Brennan Dunn, Amy Hoy, Sean D’Souza, and Eric Davis. Thanks y’all!
1. Pain
This is also referred to as the “Problem” section. It’s literally just you describing the pain that your ideal client is experiencing. For example, if your ideal client is someone who got caught out in the rain, a pain statement would be: “You are cold and wet.” Illustrating the pain with a story - either your own or a client’s - can be a powerful trust builder.
2. Dream
In this section, you present the reader with the mirror image of the pain. Sticking with the rain example, a dream statement would be: “You are warm and dry.” Note that there is absolutely no indication of how the client went from cold and wet to warm and dry! This is critical because the goal of the Dream section is to get the reader to ask, “But how?”
3. Fix
This also referred to as the “Offer” section. It is here that you answer the “But how?” question by describing your product or service. Paint a picture of what the engagement would be like, how it would work, what is included, what is not included, and a price (or prices if you’re offering multiple tiers). Using the rain example again, the fixes could be a range of things including umbrella, poncho, taxi, a cozy hotel bar with fireplace. Each would fix the pain to varying degrees, and each would be valued and priced accordingly.
4. 1st Call to Action
In this section, you provide a button that will allow the reader to do the thing you want them to do - e.g., make a purchase, complete a questionnaire/application, schedule a call, etc.
Add some sort of risk reversal immediately after the CTA. For a sales CTA, this could be a money-back guarantee. For a questionnaire, this could be a promise to not share their info with 3rd parties. For a mailing list sign-up, this could be a promise to not spam them. For a phone call, this could be a promise not to be “sales-y” on the call.
5. Social Proof
Client logos, testimonials, case studies, etc. Bonus points if your testimonials contain “objection busting” information.
6. Overcome Objections
In this section you address any common objection in the form of a frequently asked questions list. If possible, use actual questions from past clients or prospects. If you don’t have clients or prospects, questions from friends who have reviewed the page for you are better than nothing. Try not to make questions up yourself - made up FAQs usually come across as phony and self-serving.
7. Uniqueness
In this section you want to highlight the things that make you more attractive to your ideal client than your competitors.
8. 2nd CTA
Now that you have strengthened your case, give the reader a second chance to make the purchase without having to scroll back up the 1st CTA.
9. Urgency
Finally, add some urgency to the offer. For example:
- I only take on one new client per month.
- Only one spot left!
- Limited supply!
- First ten people will receive [VALUABLE BONUS]!
- Sale ends at midnight on [DATE]!
Related Links
- Example Sales Page (view source for section numbers)
- Building the Perfect Testimonial
- Building the Perfect Case Study
- Glossary of Terms