August 10, 2024

Kicking and Screaming

Everybody thinks starting a daily list is crazy until they try it.

Heck, I’m no different.

I thought it was crazy back in 2016 when Philip Morgan dragged me kicking and screaming into doing a daily.

Eight years and 2916 emails later, I can unequivocally say that it’s the best thing I ever did for my business.

It builds your authority, grows your audience, crystalizes your thinking, and differentiates you from your competitors.

If you are in the business of selling your expertise but are terrified to start a daily list, I hope you’ll consider my Email365 workshop.

It’s a 5-day interactive online workshop for busy professionals who want to build their authority fast.

Lessons start this Monday, which means you will have your first subscribers by the following Friday.

Folks from all over the world are already connecting with each other inside the private Slack room for the workshop.

I hope you’ll join us!

Enroll in Email365

Don’t wait... doors close soon, and this is probably the last time I’ll run E365 this year.


