August 6, 2024

Naysayers Are A Good Sign

If everyone agrees with you, you’re not saying anything interesting.

And if you’re not saying anything interesting, nobody is going to hire you.

And if nobody is going to hire you, you’re not going to be in business long.

So what do you do?

You start challenging the status quo.

How do you do this without looking like a rage-baiting troll?

You develop unique and defensible insights in a particular area of expertise.

How do you develop these insights?

The best way I know of is to write down your thoughts every day and release them into the world for feedback.

It’s SHOCKING how quickly this changes the game if you’re running a solo consulting business.

Here’s the thing...

You can’t worry about the naysayers.

When you challenge the status quo in your industry, the people who like things the way they are will get upset.

They’ll probably talk about you behind your back.

Do not worry about this.

It is normal.

In fact...

It’s a sign that you might be onto something.


