July 18, 2024

Does value pricing work for coaches?

It may seem like the value of coaching is just too hard to translate into dollars.

But it’s really not.

All you need is a client who has a clear definition of their desired outcome.

For example...

If you were a golf coach, you could ask a client, “What handicap do you want to get down to?”

If they replied, “Anything in the single digits would be life-changing!”

Then you could ask, “If I could wave a magic wand and make you that good, how much would you gladly pay right now?”

They’ll be able to answer a question like this easily.

This will give you the value.

(NOTE: This is not the PRICE. It’s the VALUE on which you could base one or more prices.)

And like all value priced services, the number will be different for every individual.

The more desire and money they have, the more they will volunteer to pay.


