May 15, 2021

There Are Lots Of Ways To Price

Value pricing is a fabulous way to price custom projects.

It can help you increase profitability, decrease scope creep, and improve client satisfaction.

So... do I value price everything I sell?


Not even close.

I only value price custom projects.

I don’t use value pricing for productized services...

I don’t use value pricing for advisory retainers...

I don’t use value pricing for membership communities...

I don’t use value pricing for coaching programs...

I don’t use value pricing for live workshops...

I don’t use value pricing for video courses...

I don’t use value pricing for ebooks...

And if I ever sell physical products, I won’t use value pricing for those either.

Here’s the thing...

Whenever you hear me talking about value pricing, just keep in mind that I’m specifically talking about pricing a custom project.


